The ability to easily upload and share documents within A.C.E. is another way our platform can help you streamline your business! Create folders, subfolders and set permissions so the right team members have access to the documents necessary to get the job done. All documents needed to complete a job, including builder docs, photos, spreadsheets, PDFs, etc., can be uploaded and commented on by users.
Folders are automatically created when you start a bid, saving time and improving organization. Once you turn a bid into a project, all previously uploaded documents will transfer over to the project phase and a general project and phase folders will be created automatically.
Benefits of A.C.E's document storage capabilities include:
Increase organization and save time on administrative tasks
Create seamless communication between office and field with the ability to upload, access and comment on important documents
Field can access files without having to go into the office
Saves on printing costs because documents can be referenced digitally
Unlimited storage space means you won't constantly have to pay to increase your cloud storage